Maternal French Course - FLAM

VivaLing assists French-speaking children, from 3 to 18 years old, to help them gain autonomy in French, to continue practicing their mother tongue during a family expatriation or to prepare a return to their French-speaking school system.

Why choose VivaLing French courses?

Our coaches are qualified French-speaking teachers who are very familiar with the French National Education system.
They use the French National Education curriculum and adapt their teaching to the age and level of each learner, emphasizing key skills such as grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and written and oral expression.

Our sessions are built around fun, personalised, interactive and varied activities. They follow a progression that meets the needs and rhythm of the learner for effective results, anchored in the long term.

FLAM cours de français langue maternelle

Preparation for national exams

Our coaches also assist their learners in preparing for national exams (Brevet des Collèges, Baccalauréat…) by providing them with rigorous methodological support.

100% personalised course

Your child benefits from a 100% personalised course that allows him or her to acquire all the notions and skills required for his or her age and academic level.

Enseignants natifs

Nos professeurs sont des enseignants français qualifiés et certifiés, qui maîtrisent parfaitement les programmes de l’Education Nationale.

Sessions personnalisées

Votre enfant bénéficie d’un parcours 100% personnalisé lui permettant ainsi d’acquérir toutes les notions et compétences requises pour son âge et son niveau scolaire

Suivi des progrès

Nous garantissons un suivi régulier des progrès et proposons une évaluation formelle des apprentissages et des compétences acquises en fin d’année.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about FLAM

* Hover over the stars to see the answers

We have been living abroad for several years and speak French at home. We are considering a return to France and wish to prepare this reintegration into the French school system as smoothly as possible.

Do you offer refresher courses?

During the first session, the coach will accurately evaluate your child's needs in order to propose personalised sessions that will help your child progress effectively and gain confidence. Based on the French National Education program, your coach will adapt his or her teaching according to the age, level and skills to be acquired for a smoother return.

What are the advantages compared to the CNED?

Only CNED type programs can officially certify a school level for your child. On the other hand, the amount of work can be daunting and being a parent-teacher is no small feat! Our FLAM VivaLing courses are ideal to explain key notions, in parallel with the CNED or upstream, as a refresher course.

We live abroad and do not envisage our child returning to a French school system. We hope that he can continue to practice his mother tongue, that he does not lose his knowledge and that he continues to progress, especially in writing.

Is VivaLing adaptable and can it help us?

Our coaches, who are familiar with the French national education curriculum, can also offer more academic sessions to your children so that they can continue their progress by following the French school curriculum.

Can your coaches follow the French National Education program?

Our VivaLing coaches know how to adapt to your needs and the needs of your children. They work with topics that are interesting to learners and are adapted to their age and level. In order to maintain a good level of the language, our coaches emphasize the keys skills of grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and written and oral expression.

My child has always lived in a multilingual environment. I am the only person who speaks French to him. I want him to keep a connection with French and to gain confidence.

Can you help us?

At VivaLing, we are familiar with the particularities of multilingualism, and we offer you customized support. Every session is personalised with using topics that interest our learners and are adapted to the age and level of the learner, which is our strength. The main motivation of our coaches is to give children the desire to learn to read, write and express themselves in French about various themes, while transmitting the fundamentals of French culture.

For more information on fees and to discuss your expectations in more detail, please write to us at Tell us your needs, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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